Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

1.3 Email to a Former Student Project (Draft 1)

1.3 Email to a Former Student Project (Draft 1)

Q Please review the email below from a former student of this course. Imagine this is your first online course and you're somewhat unsure of what you will learn. Using what you have just learned in this week's reading assignment, your task is to draft an email to this former student to set up a date and time to discuss her experience a bit further and get some additional tips for how to do well in the course. TO: FROM: DATE: June 5, 2014 SUBJ: Overview of DCM 330 Course Dear Future Student, This course has been immensely helpful for me in a variety of ways. First we covered the proper format for emails and memos, which for me personally is very useful in my workplace as a paralegal and executive assistant. I feel like most workplaces utilize both of these forms of communication a lot, especially emails. We were given several assignments to write emails, letters, instructions, and also a sample document used in our desired workplace. I was also glad that one of our assignments was to write a resume and cover letter. I feel like this is something you don't usually do unless you are actively looking for a new job, but should be updated more often even if you are satisfied in your current position. I really appreciated the feedback I received on these assignments from our instructor and fellow students on the discussion boards, as well as having the opportunity to apply this feedback in the assigned draft revisions. It was helpful to see the progress that I was making throughout the course. I have already applied this knowledge in my workplace and think that it can be useful in a variety of careers and also personal use. I would like to wish you luck in the course and throughout your career. Sincerely, Previous Student Submit a draft of a response email to the student (as an MS Word doc) to the D2L Dropbox. Be sure to use proper organization (greeting, purpose, and main point first) and formatting (header, greeting, spacing, etc.). See the sample in the textbook. Also be sure to be clear about when you would like to talk and what mode of communication you prefer (in-person, email, phone, instant message, etc.). **Once you have submitted your draft to the Dropbox, you should also submit it as an attachment to the appropriate Discussion topic for peer review with subject line: [Your Name]'s First Draft.

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TO: FROM: DATE: January 09, 2021 SUBJ: Setting up a date and time for discussing experience of previous student Dear Previous Student, I have received your previous email about your past experience at the DePaul University. However, I want to interact with you personally to know more about your experience at the DePaul University. I want to get some more tips from you so that I can perform better in this course. I want to be more prepared by including your detailed experience to guide me personally and professionally to receive better grades in this course.